BA in Dance
The Bachelor's of Arts in Dance at Hunter College is open to all students who have been admitted to Hunter College. To be declared a BA Dance Major, students must be admitted into DAN 21500 Ballet 1 or DAN 21000 Contemporary Dance Technique 1 or higher as determined by placement audition open to all students. The student will meet with an advisor in the Dance Department as soon as they qualify for level 1 technique or higher and every semester thereafter.
All Dance majors are required to earn 42 credits minimum in DAN courses and complete all requirements including:
Be registered in at least one dance technique course every semester in order to remain a Dance major in good standing, unless granted exemption by the department;
Perform in a minimum of 2 student choreographed pieces during their studies at Hunter College;
Earn a C grade or better in all courses required for the major (grades below C will not count toward the major).
The BA Dance Degree Curriculum is divided into 4 areas of study.
1. Dance Technique and Performance (20-24 credits)
Must complete four credits minimum of any style at level I (or higher as determined by the placement class) (4)
Must complete four credits of dance technique any style in level 3 (4)
Must complete eight credits of dance technique any style at level I or higher (8)
Must complete two credits of Repertory DAN 43200 (1) and DAN 43300 (1)
*Students who do not place into a dance technique level 1 class must take DAN 10100 Fundamentals of Contemporary Dance Technique and/or DAN 10500 Fundamentals of Ballet (0-3)
2. Creative Work (11 credits)
DAN 12400 Production Crew (.5 x 2)*
DAN 22100 Improvisation (1)
DAN 22400 Stagecraft (1)
DAN 32100 Composition I (2)
DAN 42100 Composition II (2)
DAN 42200 Dance Workshop (2)
DAN 42400 Production (2)
*Please note that DAN 12400 Production Crew must be taken twice to complete the major.
3. Dance Studies (8 credits)
DAN 21300 Basic Musicianship for Dancers (2)
DAN 23200 Global Dance History (3)
DAN 35000 Anatomy and Kinesiology for Dancers (3)
4. Electives (3 credits)*
Dance Technique Electives:
DAN 15100 Global Dance 1
DAN 25100 Global Dance 2
DAN 25200 Special Topics
DAN 35200 Special Topics
Other Electives:
DAN 34200 Teaching Dance
DAN 25500 Dance Pedagogy
DAN 46100 Seminar in Dance
DAN 48000 Independent Study in Dance
DAN 49000 Honors in Dance
DAN 49800 Internship
*Dance Technique and Creative Work courses are repeatable for elective credit.
Note: All required classes are not offered every semester. Annual meetings with dance advisers are essential for both majors and minors in order to assure that required coursework will be completed in time for graduation.
Hunter Core Requirement
Several courses within this major may fulfill parts of the Hunter Core Requirement (CUNY Common Core Requirement [CCCR], Concurrent Requirements). When selecting courses, it may be to a student’s advantage to choose courses that count toward the Hunter Core Requirement and also advance the student on the path to the major. Details on the Hunter Core Requirement can be found here: General Education - Effective Fall 2019. Please note that no more than two courses from any one department will count for the CUNY Common Core Requirement. In the case of the dance major, the courses that meet CCCR are:
DAN 10200 Dance in Culture
DAN 23200 Global Dance History
Contact Us
Email: dance@hunter.cuny.edu Phone: (212) 772-5012
All BA Course Offerings
*Underlined courses are offered only in the Fall Semester and Courses in Italics are offered only in the Spring Semester
DAN 10100 Fundamentals of Contemporary Dance Technique
DAN 10200 Dance and Culture
DAN 10500 Fundamentals of Ballet
DAN 12400 Production Crew
DAN 15100 Global Dance 1
DAN 21000 Contemporary Dance Technique 1
DAN 21300 Basic Musicianship for Dancers
DAN 21500 Ballet 1
DAN 22000 Contemporary Dance Technique 2
DAN 22100 Improvisation
DAN 22400 Stagecraft
DAN 22500 Ballet 2
DAN 23200 Global Dance History
DAN 25100 Global Dance 2
DAN 25256 Yoga I
DAN 25265 Hip Hop I
DAN 31000 Contemporary Dance Technique 3
DAN 31500 Ballet 3
DAN 32100 Composition 1
DAN 34200 Teaching Dance
DAN 35000 Anatomy and Kinesiology for Dancers
DAN 35266 Hip Hop II
DAN 35265 Hip Hop III
DAN 41000 Contemporary Dance Technique 4
DAN 42100 Composition II
DAN 42200 Dance Workshop
DAN 42400 Production
DAN 43200 Repertory 1
DAN 43300 Repertory 2
DAN 44000 Lecture/Demonstration Touring Group
DAN 48000 Independent Study
DAN 49000 Honors in Dance
DAN 49800 Internship