Studio Reservation Guidelines and Information
The Hunter College Dance Department studios are available for use by currently enrolled Hunter Dance students, faculty, and staff. All external rental requests, including alumni, should be directed to Denise Mazzaferro, Associate Director of the Performing Arts, via e-mail at denise.mazzaferro@hunter.cuny.edu.
Please read the below guidelines carefully before submitting your request. Studio reservations are accepted on a tiered priority basis beginning 10 days before the start of each semester:
TIER 1 (Highest Priority): MFA Thesis Rehearsals and Dance Faculty
Reservation requests for MFA Dance students rehearsing for thesis projects, and all Dance faculty, will be accepted beginning 10 days before the start of each semester. These students/faculty may book recurring reservations for the entire semester.
TIER 2 (High Priority): Student Choreographers (BA, BA/MA, MA, and MFA)
Reservation requests for Dance students preparing for a Dance Department or AGDEP performance and/or showing will be accepted beginning on the first day of the semester, and continue through the following 10 days. These students may book recurring reservations for the entire semester.
TIER 3 (Low Priority): Students currently enrolled in a Dance course/program, Dance staff, undergraduate dance clubs, and all other currently enrolled Hunter College students
Reservation requests for all currently enrolled students and Dance staff will be accepted beginning on the first day of the third week of the semester. These students/staff may not book recurring reservations. All reservations must be made for no more than two weeks at a time.
All reservations received beginning on the first day of the third week of the semester will be scheduled based on availability. Submitting a reservation request does not guarantee a reservation. All reservations will be confirmed via email from hunterstudiores@gmail.com.
Reservation Guidelines:
All reservations are prioritized based on the above tiered priority system. Please read thoroughly before making your reservation.
All reservations must be submitted through the below Studio Reservation Request Form. Reservation requests are not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email from hunterstudiores@gmail.com.
During the academic year, all space requests are limited to 2 hours per rehearsal and 4 hours total per week. Additional hours may be requested if space is available but may be subject to change.
Recurring, semester-long, reservations are only opened to BA, BA/MA, MA, and MFA student choreographers enrolled in Dance Workshop, Composition I/II, Performance and Presentation, and or Thesis Projects. All other reservations must be booked in two-week intervals (this includes all non-Dept. student clubs).
The Jody Studio (TH520) is only available for reservations to currently enrolled BA, MA, Adv. Cert., CLASS, and MFA in Dance students, and Dance faculty/staff.
Due to the absence of Dept. Administration on-campus, weekend and evening reservations (later than 6 PM) are only open to currently enrolled BA, MA, Adv. Certificate, CLASS, MFA students, and Dance faculty/staff.
Alumni Reservations and Booking Events:
Alumni reservations along with any intensives, workshops, and events are managed by the Performing Arts Office. To schedule an alumni rehearsal, or any workshops, intensives, or performances in our studios, please fill out the Performing Arts event form here. Please find the Hunter Studio Rental Fact Sheet here for more info.
Sound/Technical Equipment:
Guests are welcome to use our sound system.
Please keep the volume at an appropriate level, being mindful of other classes, administrative offices, or other rehearsals.
Please do not touch any settings or knobs that are locked or taped off. Our system is very sensitive and operated under the close care of our production team.
Each studio sound system has specific instructions. Please refer to the posted guidelines on each system before use.
Please DO NOT touch or attempt to use any lighting equipment.
Studio Etiquette and Maintenance:
Shoes are only allowed in Studio 700. No shoes of any kind (aside from soft-sole Ballet shoes) are permitted in TH520, TH601, TH605, and TH609.
Please specify in the "Additional Needs" section of the reservation form if a tap board is needed.
No heavy or sharp objects, or shoes, are permitted on the Marley flooring.
No food, drink (except bottled water), chewing gum, rosin, adhesives, glitter, or confetti, is allowed in any studio.
Please clean and remove all personal belongings from the studio at the end of your booking. All items left behind will be placed in the lost and found on the 6th floor, or otherwise discarded if not claimed within 10 days of your reservation.
If you are more than 15 minutes late to your reservation you forfeit your time and the studio space may be taken by another student.
Reservations must end on time, NO exceptions. We ask that guests do not linger in the studios when their scheduled time is up, as classes or reservations may follow immediately after your scheduled time.
All studios should be reset and in pristine condition for the next scheduled class or reservation.
Undergraduate clubs/non-dance majors & minors and graduate students can only reserve space until 6:00PM. A Hunter staff/faculty must be present during these reservations.
Misuse of the studios and/or violations of any of these policies may result in your access to the studios being revoked for a set period of time or indefinitely. All misuse of studios by undergraduate clubs will be reported to the Office of Student Activities.
We have a passenger elevator available for use on the 5th, 6th and 7th floors if needed. Our passenger elevator cannot accommodate large equipment.
Studio Info:
Studio 601 The Peggy (2400 sq feet): Marley Floors + Piano
Studio 609 The Floria (2400 sq feet): Marley Floors + Piano
Studio 700 (1400 sq feet): Wood Floors + Piano
Studio 605 The Dorothy Vislocky Studio (830 sq feet): Wood Floors
Studio 520 The Jody (1375 sq feet): Marley Floors + Piano
Deadline for Space Requests:
All requests must be received at least two weeks prior to the first date of the requested reservation.